Musculoskeletal Injury Treatment & Rehabilitation
Various kinds of injuries occur during exercise and sports, most of which are acutely painful. While it is possible to hurt just about any part of one’s body while playing sports, the term sports injury is mainly applied to the injuries sustained to one’s Musculoskeletal (MSK) system. From sprains to strains, from shin splints to Achilles tendinitis, and from dislocation of joints to rupture of tissues, everything can lead to acutely painful conditions which can be cured through of effective sports injury treatment, and sports rehabilitation. Serious sports injuries if not identified soon and treated properly can lead to not only painful conditions but also activity limitations. Many times, rest and ice packs are enough to treat these pains; but for more intense conditions, holistic sports injury rehabilitation is needed.
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0161 834 1202
0759 779 6277
444-445 4th Floor The Royal Exchange
Old Bank Street
M2 7EP